Pleased & proud to report that the double deep hive (1/2) is finally thriving and is ready to either split or add a honey super. Hive 3 is lagging behind. Found a marked Queen but no eggs, larvae or capped brood. Bees are filling brood nest with nectar. Going to add capped brood from another hive to increase population and prob move Queen to another hive and requeen #3. Number 4 continues to impress. They have almost drawn out all of the 3rd super so I will add a 4th super when I get some more. Hive 5 started from a Full Moon nuc back on 04/23/24 is ready for its first super. ABA bees at my house not doing as well. One producing hive but the two other hives and nuc are Queenless again. Will need to order new queens ASAP.
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