We need to wrap up donations for our Dr Steele Memorial donation to the UF Bee Lab. Our goal was to raise $5,000 for the memorial. As of Aug. 31, 2020 we have raised $2,800 towards that goal. If not for the two $1,000 donations received, we would have raised only $800. This strikes me as pretty poor for an organization that has over 150 paid members and 553 users of our private Facebook group.
For those of you that did not know Dr. Bob and his many contributions to both Apalachee beekeepers and Beekeeping, you can read about him and the memorial donation here https://www.apalacheebeekeepers.com/dr-robert-steele-memorial
I realize that with the financial effects of COVID 19, this is a bad time to solicit donations but if you haven't made a donation, please consider doing so. For those of you who are not ABA members but are posting questions and otherwise using our FaceBook and ApalacheeBeekeepers.com site please view this as an opportunity to support ABA and the free info we are providing.
Thank you
Bob Livingston, Treasurer
Apalachee beekeepers Association, Inc.