Melissa, good on you for using traps. I don't consider this as a lot. SHB are interested in honey. I've had traps completely lined two or three bettles deep, from end to end! Keep an eye on them and refresh or renew the traps as necessary. Do a mite check, too. The flow is usually over on my area by end of June. Treat then if you can or before if the flow winds down. Make sure the bees have enough food July thru fall flow. Freeze your partial honey frames to put back in for a fall flow--if we're lucky.
Not bad but SHB activity is just starting to ramp up. Warm soil temps and plenty of soil moisture for pupating. Keep mites low and hives strong.
Melissa, good on you for using traps. I don't consider this as a lot. SHB are interested in honey. I've had traps completely lined two or three bettles deep, from end to end! Keep an eye on them and refresh or renew the traps as necessary. Do a mite check, too. The flow is usually over on my area by end of June. Treat then if you can or before if the flow winds down. Make sure the bees have enough food July thru fall flow. Freeze your partial honey frames to put back in for a fall flow--if we're lucky.