Speaking of swarms, I'm getting a lot of texts and calls from beekeepers reporting their hives have swarmed. If you've waited to split your hive you're too late. The bees have already done it for you and unless you were able to catch your swarm you've lost up to half your bees and your old queen. During swarm season you should be checking your bees every 7 to 10 days looking for queen cells. If you find uncapped cells containing larvae, your bees are getting ready to swarm and you should split them ASAP. If you find capped queen cells and no evidence of a queen you may be too late. By splitting you keep the old queen and only take two frames of bees and brood, a lot less bees than are in a swarm. The parent hive still has plenty of bees and can raise a new queen and build back up quickly. A hive that swarms loses the old queen and half the bees taking longer to build back up for the honey flow. See how a pro does it here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FmnHHCftfU&t=37s
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