Here is our issue/question: We are looking for a climate controlled storage unit to stash a lot of what Bob Livingston, Treasurer, keeps at his house and on his bee truck. He needs his space again. Anyway, one of the storage entities I called for quotes presented us with an opportunity for free storage along with a couple other perks, as a nonprofit entity. Appears our side of the agreement would be to post a little info on our ABA site about “Morningstar”, their logo, and mention them at our meetings.
The Board agreed to consider this at our Monday Zoom meeting, and I am following up on their view that maybe we should assess whether this would be an ok thing to do from a legal standpoint. We all viewed this as an ‘in-kind’ issue and that it would not have any bad bearing on our non-profit status. If you are an attorney, would you mind looking briefly over the Morningstar Storage Agreement and we can also provide you a section of the ABA by-laws that we looked at Monday and see if you see any hang-ups? An arrangement such as this would save ABA between $1300 and $1500 annually. Just respond with a "Yes" and your name, and I'll pick up your email address off the ABA membership roster and go from there. Thanks!
Alan Strowd
The following is the reply I received from my friend and it appears that we are fine.
"This should work fine. There is nothing that prohibits Non Profits from accepting this sort of donation and in fact it is encouraged. In kind donations are obviously easier for businesses to make and it is very appropriate to have the not for profit acknowledgement the donation on an on going basis.
Nothing in this arrangement is unusual nor would it in any way threaten the status of the non profit. If I can provide any other info, just let me know".
Can you let me know where to download the MoningStar agreement or just email it to me and I'll forward it to my friend. He has agreed to look it over for us.
Alan, I have 2 friend that are attorneys and I feel comfortable I could ask either to look at this and give their opinion if you want. Neither one is an ABA member but I could not see where you had an answer from a member.
Let me know,
Bob R.