March 9 ABA Meeting
Tue, Mar 09
|RSVP by noon on March 9, 2021
Bees are ready to grow, grow, grow and Go. Learn to balance growth and swarming this month to be ready for the flow.
Time & Location
Mar 09, 2021, 6:30 PM
RSVP by noon on March 9, 2021
About the Event
Make room as the bee population grows. Watch for swarm cells. When you split, they are ready to grow. Grow, Grow, Go! Learn how to balance growth and still control the swarm instinct in established hives. Learn how to grow your split(s) so they will be eady for the nectar flow. What does your queen look like? More importantly, what does her brood pattern look like? When will new queens be available?
What can you do if you need one, NOW? Bring your questions, or email them in advance, or simply ask them during the meeting via "chat."
Get answers to this month's FAQs topic: What will the Bee Inspector be looking for? (You may ask: Who is the inspector anyway and why do I need to know?) Inspector David Westerveld, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Apiary Division will join our meeting to answer all your questions!
RSVP by noon on March 9 to the meeting.
Zoom sign-in link will be emailed to everyone who RSVPs,
by noon on the day of the event.